Monday, September 14, 2009

Day Zero

Today I sought yet another job as a bartender. Luck I had not, but I DID manage to get a new library membership! Now I sit and wait as the hour nears 9, at which point I will saunter up the street to see the 70's Gothic tale, The Stepford Wives. I am trying to contain my excitement but cannot.

First, if you have seen the contemporary Nicole Kidman re-make and it induced dry-heaving, know that you are not alone. That film is an abomination.

HOWEVER- 90 minutes of Katharine Ross is worth your while. Have I mentioned how much I love her? Perhaps not, considering this is only my second post. In part, I think it's because she looks a lot like my mother. I like to imagine my mom in her total babe days ripping it up as a bra burner and aspiring photographer... I'm not sure if this reassures me that all yuppies were once hippies, or if it is merely a reminder of the inevitability of my personal fate as a sell-out with a fucking amazing shoe and handbag collection. Regardless, look at how cute she is:

She is making instant coffee. The only person in the world from whom I would accept a cup of instant coffee is Katharine Ross circa 1975.

1 comment:

  1. Well, i guess i should cancel that lifetime supply of instant coffee i was going to get you for your birthday...
